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Nature vs. Progress?
Find Sustainable & Cost-Effective
Coastal Defense
Partnering for Progress

The coastline is a breathtaking natural wonder that is unfortunately threatened by erosion.
We must take action to preserve its beauty for future generations to enjoy.
Let's work together to protect this precious resource.

Our Unique Approach
Open Seas brings a unique platform that mimics the Sea Grass natural mechanism of action.
Using seaweed-like ferns anchored to the sandy or rocky bottom of the sea, the Sea Grass effect is achieved with clear advantages.

Environmentally friendly materials adhering to strict environmental regulations
Mooring facilities made of material that are harmless to the aquatic and marine environment
Easy installation, maintenance & removal
Scalable & durable
Safe for coastal vessel route & beach users
Cost effective
Acts as a natural ecological niche for marine life
Our lab is the heart of our research. We have conducted numerous experiments to advance our understanding of various scientific phenomena.
Our team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of through rigorous experimentation.
Great news! We have a successful proof of concept at SDOT YAM harbor that has proven itself.
Proof of Concept
Our Next Steps
Save the coastline of Caesarea
Caesarea coastline has been decreasing over the past few years.
It's important that we take action to protect our beaches and shorelines for future generations to enjoy.

At Open Seas we know how to do it
Meet the Team
With our unwavering passion and dedication, we, three entrepreneurs, are determined to save and protect our beloved coastline. Our mission is to create a sustainable future for generations to come by making a positive on our environment. Join in this noble cause and let's make a difference together.
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